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This bibliography concentrates on Sardar’s intellectual and scholarly output, ignoring much of his journalism. We have, however, included articles and essays of intellectual significance that have appeared in some magazines. Also included are some reviews published since 1980; but it has not been possible to include all of the translations of Sardar’s work into other languages. Books that have appeared in different editions, and papers and essays published in more than one journal, are grouped together under the year of the original publication.


Editor (with Shamim Miah and Scott Jordan), The Postnormal Times Reader Volume 2 (IIIT/CPPFS)

Editor, Critical Muslim 52: Genocide (Hurst, London)

Editor, Critical Muslim 51: Desire (Hurst, London)

Editor, Critical Muslim 50: Halal (Hurst, London)

Editor, Critical Muslim 49: Scotland (Hurst, London)


‘Postnormal Imagination’ in Gabrielle Donnelly and Alfonso Montuori, editors, Routledge Handbook of Creative Futures (Routledge, London)

Editor, Critical Muslim 48: Saliha (Hurst, London)

Editor, Critical Muslim 47: Evil (Hurst, London)

Editor, Critical Muslim 46: Capital (Hurst, London)

Editor, Critical Muslim 45: Transitions (Hurst, London


Editor, Emerging Epistemologies: The Changing Fabric of Knowledge in Postnormal Times (IIIT/CPPFS)

Editor, Critical Muslim 44: History (Hurst, London)

Editor, Critical Muslim 43: Ignorance (Hurst, London)

Editor, Critical Muslim 42: Liberty (Hurst, London)

Editor, Critical Muslim 41: Bodies (Hurst, London)


‘On the Nature of Time in Postnormal Times’ Journal of Futures Studies Vol 25 (4) 17-30

‘Polylogues: Connecting Minds to Create the Future’, World Majlis: The Essays, volume 4 (Dubai)

Editor, Critical Muslim 40: Biography (Hurst, London)

Editor, Critical Muslim 39: World Order (Hurst, London)

Editor, Critical Muslim 38: Humour (Hurst, London)

Editor, Critical Muslim 37: Virus (Hurst, London)


‘The Smog of Ignorance: Knowledge and Wisdom in Postnormal Times’ Futures 120 102554 June 2020

Editor, Critical Muslim 33: Relics (Hurst, London)

Editor, Critical Muslim 34: Artificial (Hurst, London)

Editor, Critical Muslim 35: Muslim Atlantic (Hurst, London)

Editor, Critical Muslim 36: Destinations (Hurst, London)


(with Jordi Serra and Scott Jordan) Muslim Futures in Postnormal Times: Foresights for Trends, Emerging Issues and Scenarios  

Editor, Critical Muslim 29: Futures (Hurst, London)

Editor, Critical Muslim 30: West Africa (Hurst, London)

Editor, Critical Muslim 31: Climate (Hurst, London)

Editor, Critical Muslim 32: Music (Hurst, London)


A Person of Pakistani Origins (Hurst, London)

Editor, Critical Muslim 25: Values (Hurst, London)

Editor, Critical Muslim 26: Gastronomy (Hurst, London)

Editor, Critical Muslim 27: Beauty (Hurst, London)

Editor, Critical Muslim 28: Narratives  (Hurst, London)


(with Jeremy Henzell-Thomas) Rethinking Reform in Higher Education (IIIT, London and Washington)

Editor, The Postnormal Times Reader (CPPFS, London)

Editor, Critical Muslim 21: Relations (Hurst, London)

Editor, Critical Muslim 22: Utopias (Hurst, London)

Editor, Critical Muslim 23: Bangladesh (Hurst, London)

Editor, Critical Muslim 24: Populism (Hurst, London)


Islam Beyond the Violent Jihadis (Biteback publishing)

‘The Three Tomorrows of Postnormal Times’ (with John Sweeney), Futures 75 1-13

‘Postnormal Artefacts’ World Future Review 7 (4) 342-350

Editor, Critical Muslim 17: Extreme (Hurst, London)

Editor, Critical Muslim 18: Cities (Hurst, London)

Editor, Critical Muslim 19: Nature (Hurst, London)

Editor, Critical Muslim 20: PostWest (Hurst, London)


‘Islam: Introduction’ in Emma Mason, editor, Reading the Abrahamic Faiths: Rethinking Religion and Literature, Bloomsbury Academic, London, 2015, pp171-181

‘Postnormal Times Revisited’ Futures 67 26-39 (March 2015)

Editor, Critical Muslim 13: Race (Hurst, London)

Editor, Critical Muslim 14: Power (Hurst, London)

Editor, Critical Muslim 15: Educational Reform (Hurst, London)

Editor, Critical Muslim 16: Turkey (Hurst, London)


‘Mecca: The Sacred City’ (Bloomsbury, London)

Co-editor, Critical Muslim 9: The Maghreb
 (Hurst, London)

Co-editor, Critical Muslim 10: Sects (Hurst,

Co-editor, Critical Muslim 11: Syria (Hurst, London)

Co-editor, Critical Muslim 12: Dangerous Freethinkers (Hurst, London)

‘Critical Muslim’, Seminar 653 87-92 January


‘Future: All that Matter’, Hodder, London

Co-editor, Critical Muslim 5: Love and Death
 (Hurst, London)

Co-editor, Critical Muslim 6: Reclaiming
 Al-Andalus (Hurst, London)

Co-editor, Critical Muslim 7: Muslim
 Archipelago (Hurst, London)

Co-editor, Critical Muslim 8: Men in Islam
 (Hurst, London)

‘East West in Postnormal Times’ East West
 Affairs 1 (1) 1-12 January-March

‘The Future of the Arab Spring in Postnormal
 Times’ American Journal of Islamic Social 
Sciences 30 (4) 125-136 Fall


‘Hajj after 1950’ in Hajj: Journey to the
 Heart of Islam, edited by Venetia Porter, The
 British Museum Press, London

‘Muhammad: All That Matters’, Hodder, London

‘Transmodern Journeys: Futures Studies and
 Higher Education’ in Adrian Curaj et al-
editors, European Higher Education at the
 Crossroads, Volume 2: Governance, Financing,
 Mission Diversification and Futures of Higher 
Education, Heidelberg: Springer, p 1038-1055

(Co-editor, with Waqar Ahmad) ‘Muslims in
 Britain: Making Social and Political Space’,
 Routledge, London

Co-editor, Critical Muslim 1: The Arabs Are
 Alive (Hurst, London)

Co-editor, Critical Muslim 2: The Idea of
 Islam (Hurst, London)

Co-editor, Critical Muslim 3: Fear and 
Loathing (Hurst, London)

Co-editor, Critical Muslim 4: Pakistan?
 (Hurst, London)


(with Gavin Jack et al) ‘Deepening, broadening and re-asserting a postcolonial interrogative space in organization studies Organization 18: 275-302 May, 2011

‘Reading the Qur’an’, Hurst, London; Oxford University Press, New York, 2011

‘Touched by Wonder: Art and Religion in the 21st Century’ in Touched edited by Paul Domela, Liverpool Biennial, Liverpool, and Editore Silvana, Milan, 2011.

‘British, Muslim, Writer’ in Education:
 Documents of Contemporary Art, edited by
 Felicity Allen, Whitechapel Gallery,
London/MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts

‘Islamic science: the contemporary debate’,
in The Postcolonial Science and Technology 
Studies Reader, edited by Sandra Harding,
 Duke University Press, Durham


‘Opening the Gate: An East-West Transmodern Discourse?’ in Gated Communities edited by Samer Bagaeen and Olu Uduku, Earthscan, London, 2010‘My Philosophy’ The Philosophical Magazine 48 120-1262010

(with Merryl Wyn Davies) ‘Freeze Framing Muslims: Hollywood and the Slide Show of Western Imagination’ Interventions 12 (2) 239-2502010

‘Welcome to Postnormal Times’ Futures 42 (5) 435-444 June 2010

‘The Namesake: Futures, futures studies, futurology, futuristic, foresight – What’s in a name?’ Futures 42 (3) 177-184 April 2010


‘Foreword’ to Black Skin, White Masks by Frantz Fanon, Pluto Press, London, 2009.

‘Introduction: Transition and Change in the Islamic World’,Britannica Guide to the Islamic World, Constable and Robinson, London.
‘An Italian Vision of a Scientific Utopia’Nature459 510-511 28 May 2009
‘Spaces of Hope: Interventions’ in Muslim Spaces of Hope edited by Richard Phillips, Zed Books, London, 2009.

‘Ziauddin Sardar’ in Identity and Identification, Edited by Hugh Adlersey-Williams, Ken Arnold, Mick Gordon et al, Welcome Collection/black Dog Publishing, London, 2009, p204-212.

‘Introduction: Transition and Change in the Islamic World’, Britannica Guide to the Islamic World, Constable and Robinson, London.
‘An Italian Vision of a Scientific Utopia’ Nature 459 510-511 28 May 2009


‘On Erasure, Appropriation, Transmodernity: What’s Wrong with Human Rights and What Lies Beyond Difference’Design Philosophy Papers Collection Four edited by Anne-Marie Willis, Team D/E/S Publication, Ravensbourne, Australia, 2008.
Balti Britain: A Journey Through the British Asian Experience, Granta, London
Breaking the Monolith: Essays, Articles and Columns on Islam, India, Terror and Other Things That Annoy Me, ImprintOne, Delhi.
(with Merryl Wyn Davies) Will America Change? Icon Books, Cambridge.
‘Two Books and an Auntie’ Asia Literary Review Spring 2008 129-142
‘The Language of Equality’, Commission for Equality and Human Rights, London
‘Foreword’, Who Needs an Islamic State by Abdelwahab El-Affendi, Malaysia Think Thank, London and Kuala Lumpur.
‘Foreword’, Black Skin, White Masks by Frantz Fanon, Pluto Press, London
‘Displaced Homes’, Close to Home, British Council, London.
‘The Erasure of Islam’ tpm: The Philosopher’s Magazine Issue 42 Third Quarter 2008 77-79


Blogging the Qur’an, Comment is Free, Guardian, London


What Do Muslims Believe? Granta Books, London
How Do You Know: Reading Ziauddin Sardar on Islam, Science and Cultural Relations selected, introduced and edited by Ehsan Masood, Pluto Press, London
‘Transmodernity: Art Beyond Modernity and Multiculturalism’ in Navigating Difference: Cultural Diversity and Audience Development, Art Council England, London, 2006
‘What Do We Mean By Islamic Futures?’ in The Blackwell Companion to Contemporary Islamic Though edited by Ibrahim M Abu-Rabi, Blackwell, Oxford, pp562-586


‘Same again …’ The Ideas Book edited by Linda Carroli, University of Queensland Press, Brisbane, 2005.
Islam Tanpa Syariat edited by Abdul Muti and Ahmad Najib Burjani, British Council, Jakarta


Desperately Seeking Paradise: Journeys of a Sceptical Muslim, Granta Books, London, 2004.
(with Merryl Wyn Davies) The No Nonsense Guide to Islam, Verso, London
(with Merryl Wyn Davies) American Dream, Global Nightmare, Icon Books, Cambridge
‘What does it mean to be a “British Muslim”’ in What is British?, British Council, London
‘Healing the Multiple Wounds: Medicine in a Multicultural Soceity’ in The Casual Layered Analysis Reader edited by Sohail Inayatullah, Tamkang University, Taipei
‘Mecca’ Lettre Internationale Summer No 51 22-31
‘Terrorists “R” Us’ Adbusters Vol 13 No 1 Jan/Feb
‘De Islam En Europa’ Eutopia No 7 May 43-54
‘Drowning in a Universal River’ New Humanist September/October 28-29


Islam, Postmodernism and Other Futures: A Ziauddin Sardar Reader, edited by Sohail Inayatullah and Gail Boxwell, Pluto Press, London
‘The Dambuster’ in David Cotterrell, The Impossible Project, Black Dog, London,
‘God Save America’ Resurgence May/June 19-21
‘Europe: The Legacy of Islam’, Action Centre for Europe Ltd., London
‘Why People Hate US’ European Business Review 15 (5) 347-451
‘The Dambuster’ in David Cotterrell, The Impossible Project, Black Dog, London


(with Merryl Wyn Davies) Why Do People Hate America? Icon Books, Cambridge
The A to Z of Postmodern Life, Visions Paperbacks, London
Editor (with Sean Cubitt), Aliens R Us: Cinema, Science Fiction and the Other, Pluto Press, London
Introducing Science, Icon Books, Cambridge,
Editor (with Rasheed Araeen and Sean Cubitt) The Third Text Reader on Art, Culture & Theory, Continuum, London
(with Richard Appignanesi and Ralph Edney) Introducing Learning and Memory, Icon Books, Cambridge
‘Healing the multiple wounds: medicine in a multicultural society’ in Bill New and Julia Neuberger (editor) Hidden Assets: Values and Decision-Making in the NHS, Kings Fund, London
39. ‘Thomas Kuhn and the Science Wars’ in Richard Appignanesi (editor) Postmodernism and Big Science, Icon Books, London
38. ‘The Ambassador from India’ in Autopia: Cars and Culture edited by Peter Wallen and Joe Kerr, Reaktion Books, London
39. ‘The Excluded Minority: British Muslim Identity after September 11’ in Reclaiming Britishness: Living Together After September 11 and the Rise of the Right, Edited by Phoebe Griffith and Mark Leonard, The Foreign Policy Centre, London
Editor (with Annabelle Seberny and Daya Thussu) ‘Marginalisation as Violence’ Special Issue, Inter-Sections 2 (1) Summer
‘Rethinking Islam’ Seminar 48-52 (January)
Editor, ‘Islam, Resistance and Reform’ New Internationalist 345 (May)
‘Mecca’ Granta 77 223-54 (Spring); Germany translation Lettre International 57 24-31
‘Der Konig des Qawalli’ Lettre International 58: 63-55


‘Above, beyond, and at the centre of science wars: a postcolonial reading’ in Keith M Ashman and Philip S Bringer (editors) After the Science Wars, Routledge, London, pp120-139.
‘Other cities, other futures’ in Iwona blazwick (editor) Century City: Art and Culture in the Modern Moteropolis, Tate Publishing, London, pp266-275.
‘The Jihad for Peace’ in Anna Kiernan, Voice for Peace, Scribner, London, pp185-194.
‘Waiting for Rain’ New Scientist 2321 (15 December)
‘Terrorists, Islam and the American Attack’ Futures Research Quarterly (Winter)
‘El Nou (Des)Ordre Commnicatiu’, TD: Debats Technogics 17 8-15 (November) in Spanish
‘Het multiculturalism deugt neit’ Eutopia 1: 57-62 (January)


The Consumption of Kuala Lumpur, Reaktion Books, London.
Introducing Media Studies, Icon Books, Cambridge
Thomas Khun and the Science Wars, Icon Books, Cambridge
‘alt.civilisation.faq: cyberspace as the darker side of the west’, in David Bell and Barbara M Kennedy (editors) The Cyberspace Reader, Routledge, London, pp732-752.


Orientalism, Open University Press, Milton Keynes; University of Minnesota Press, Minnesota.
(with Jerry Ravetz), Introducing Mathematics, Icon Books, London.


Chaos for Beginners, Icon Books, Cambridge; American edition: Totem Books, New York; Australian edition: Allen and Unwin, St Leanards, NSW.
Editor, Rescuing All Our Futures: The Future of Future Studies, Adamantine Press, London; Praeger Publishers, Westport, CT.
‘Dilip Kumar Made Me Do It’ in Ashis Nandy (editor), A Secret History our Desires, Oxford University Press, Delhi; Zed Press, London, 1998.
‘Development and the Location of Eurocentism’ in Ronaldo Munck and
Denis O’Hearn (editors) Critical Holism: (Re)Thinking Development, London, Zed Books.
‘A Pox on Postmodernism: The Dangerous Illusion’, The Herald (Glasgow) 21 February p27.
‘Currying Favour With Tradition’ The Herald (Glasgow) 29 April p27.
‘Asian Values are Human Values’, New Statesman 17 April p26-27
‘Towards a Non-Western Science’ The Herald (Glasgow) 30 May p27.
‘The gods of Cyberspace’, New Statesman 2 January 48-49.
‘Not Up To A Fatwa’, New Statesman 3 April p68-69.
‘Have a Nice Day’ New Statesman 22 May p54.
‘Two Asian Film Thugs Square Up’ New Statesman 5 June 11-12.
‘Machines R Us?’ Motif 5 3-17


Postmodernism and the Other, Pluto Press, London.
Cultural Studies for Beginners, Icon Books, Cambridge; American edition: Totem Books, New York; Australian edition: Allen and Unwin, St Leanards, NSW.
Editor (with J R Ravetz), Cyberfutures: Politics and Economy on the Information Superhighway, Pluto Press, London; New York University Press, New York, 1996; Shi YuShi, Seoul.
‘Islamic Philosophy of Science’ in Edward Craig (Editor), Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Routledge, London.
‘Islamic Science: The Contemporary Debate’ in Helaine Selin (Editor), Encyclopedia of the History of Science, Technology and Medicine in Non-Western Cultures, Kluwer, Dordrecht.
‘Science and Values’, in Helaine Selin (Editor), Encyclopedia of the History of Science, Technology and Medicine in Non-Western Cultures, Kluwer, Dordrecht.
‘British, Muslim, Writer’ in Juliet Steyn (editor), Other Than Identity: The Subject, Politics and Art, Manchester University Press, Manchester.
‘Beyond Development: An Islamic Perspective’ in Vincent Tucker (editor), Cultural Perspectives on Development, Frank Cass, London.
‘Stop Studying Cultural Studies’ New Statesman 7 March p34.
‘Rethinking Science’ (with Jerome R Ravetz) Futures 29 (6) 467-470 (August).
‘Another Country’, New Statesman 14 March p44-45.
‘Passage to Dispair’, New Statesman 29 August p44-45.
‘Development Ladder’, Nature 389 145-146 (11 September).
‘Return of the Repressed’, Nature 389 451-452 (2 October).
Editor (with Jerry Ravetz), ‘Rethinking Science’, Special Issue, Futures, 29 (6) August.
(with Jerry Ravetz) ‘Introduction: Rethinking Science’, Special Issue, Futures, 29 (6) August.
Editor, ‘South Asia: Fifty Years On’, Special Issue, Futures, 29 (10) December.
‘Coming Home: Sex, Lies and All the ‘I’s in India’ – The Sadat Hasan Manto Lecture Futures 29 (10) 891-908 (December).
‘Introduction: South Asia – Fifty Years On’ Futures 29 (10) 883-890 (December).
‘The Problem’, Seminar 460 12-18 (December) Special issue on ‘Futures’.
‘Beyond Development: An Islamic Perspective’ in Vincent Tucker (editor), Cultural Perspectives on Development, Frank Cass, London.
‘Islamic Science: The Task Ahead’, Journal of Islamic Science 12 (2) 57-88 (1996).
‘Another Country’, New Statesman 14 March p44-45.
‘Passage to Despair’, New Statesman 29 August p44-45.
‘Development Ladder’, Nature 389 145-146 (11 September).
‘Return of the Repressed’, Nature 389 451-452 (2 October).
‘Postmodernism and the Other’, Worldview 2 (4) 32-35.


Editor (with J R Ravetz), Cyberfutures: Politics and Economy on the Information Superhighway, Pluto Press, London; New York University Press, New York; Korean edition: Shi YuShi, Seoul, 1997.
‘Other Futures: Non-Western Cultures in Futures Studies’ in Richard A Slaughter (editor), The Knowledge Base of Future Studies: Directions and Outlook (volume three), DDM Media Group/Futures Study Centre, Hawthorn, Victoria.
‘The Future of Islam’ in George T Kurian and Graham T Molitor (editors), Encyclopedia of the Future, Macmillan, New York.
‘Some Thoughts on an Alternative to the Imperium of Human Rights’ in Human Wrongs: Reflections on Western Global Dominance and its Impact Upon Human Rights, Just World Trust, Penang.
‘Future challenges of human rights and democracy’, Futuresco, Unesco, No5, June 17-24.
‘Beyond Development: An Islamic Perspective’, European Journal of Development Research 8 (2).
‘Walt Disney and the Double Victimisation of Pocahontas’, Third Text 37 17-27
‘Islamic Science: The Task Ahead’, Journal of Islamic Science 12 (2) 57-88 .
‘The A B C D (and E) of Ashis Nandy’ Emergence Nos 7/8 126-145 ; also Futures 29 (7) 649-660 (September 1997).
‘Cycling through Arabic history’, Nature 383 492-493 (10 October).
‘Natural Born Futurist’, Futures 28 (6-7) 665-668.


Editor (with S Z Abedin), Muslim Minorities in The West, Grey Seal, London.
(With Richard Appignnesi et al), Postmodernism for Beginners, Icon Books, Cambridge; American edition: Totem Books, New York; Australian edition: Allen and Unwin, St Leanards, NSW; numerous translations.
Editor (with Jerry Ravetz) ‘Cyberspace: To Boldly Go…’, Special Issue, Futures, 27 (7) September.
‘Introduction: Cyberspace – to boldly go…’, Futures 27 (7) 695-698 September.
‘Islam and Nationalism’, Concilium: International Review of Theology 262 103-110.
‘Understanding Postmodernism’, Pemikir 1 (2) 131-158 (October-December.
‘alt.civilization.faq: cyberspace as the darker side of the West’, Futures 27 (7) 777-794 September.
‘Cruising for peace’, Nature 373 483-484 (9 February).
‘The shape of things to come’, Nature 378 110 (2 November).
‘The A B C D (and E) of Ashis Nandy’ Emergence Nos 7/8 126-145 (1995-96); also Futures 29 (7) 649-660 (September 1997).


Muhammad for Beginners, Icon Books, Cambridge; American edition: Totem Books, New York; Australian edition: Allen and Unwin, St Leanards, NSW; Norwegian edition: Bracan Forlag, Oslo, 1995; Italian edition: Feltrinelli; Rome, 1995.
Editor (with Jerry Ravetz) ‘Complexity: Fad or Fashion?’, Special Issue, Futures, 26 (6) August.
(With Jerry Ravetz), ‘Introduction: Complexity – Fad or Future?’ Futures 26 (6) 563-567 (July/August).
‘Conquests, Chaos, Complexity: The Other in Modern and Postmodern Science’, Futures 26 (6) 665-682 (July/August).
‘Asian Cultures: Between Programmed and Desired Futures’, in Eleonora Masini and Yogesh Atal (Editors), The Futures of Asian Cultures, Unesco, Bangkok, 1993; and Unesco, The Futures of Cultures, Unesco, Paris.
‘What Chaos? What Coherence? Across the River I Called’ in Mika Mannermaa, Sohail Inayatullah and Rick Slaughter (editors), Coherence and Chaos in Our Uncommon Futures: Visions, Means, Actions, Finland Future Studies Centre, Turku.
‘Can small countries survive the future?’ in Problems and Futures of Small Countries, Institute of Forecasting, Slovak Academy of Science, Bratislava.
‘Logic and Laws’, Nature 368 376-378 (24th March).
‘Back to Basics But Nothing to do with Morality’, Impact March.
‘Up Against the Powerbrokers’, The Independent 12th February.
‘How Britain Reveals Its Own Tin-pot Ignorance’, The Independent (op ed article) 3rd March.
‘Zero Didn’t Come From Nowhere’, The Independent (op ed article) 21st March.
‘Sacrab powder fuels the sex war’, The Independent 12th January.
‘Murder on the Oriental excess’ The Independent 12th March.
‘When white boys want to rap’, The Independent 16th April.
‘Barefoot in the desert’, The Independent 21st May.
‘Remarkable histories and bazaar habits, The Independent 18th July.
‘Little frog hops about in a fake world’, The Independent 6th September.
‘Save us from the gentle green giants’, The Independent 30th December.


(with Merryl Wyn Davies and Ashis Nandy), Barbaric Others: A Manifesto on Western Racism, Pluto Press, London; Westview Press, Boulder Colorado.
‘Colonising the Future: The ‘Other’ Dimension of Future Studies’, Futures 25 (3).
‘Who Killed Jamie Bulger?’ Impact 12 March-8 April 19-20.
‘Fundamentalism is Out There!’ Impact 9 April-13 May 17-19.
‘Do Not Adjust Your Mind: Post-Modernism, Reality and the Other’ Futures 25 (8) 877-893 (October).
‘The Door Beyond the Door’, Focus on Pakistan Winter 2-7.
‘A Man for all Seasons?’, Impact International 23 (23-24) 33-36 December.
‘Fearful Similarity in the Old and the New Worlds’, The Independent 6th January.
‘By Their Fruits Shall Ye Know Them’, The Independent 23rd January.
‘Playing the Endgame For All Its Worth’, The Independent 27th January.
‘Two Fingers to the War Effort’, The Independent 10th April.
‘Local Saints and the Automation of Algeria’, The Independent 8th September.
‘Fences That Enclose the Global Commons’, The Independent 16th September.
‘Greek Tragedies in Indian Villages’, The Independent 11th December.
‘The Swivel Chair on History’s Front Line’, The Independent 14th December.


‘When the Pendulum Comes to Rest’ in Sheila M. Moorcroft (Editor), Visions for the 21st Century, Adamantine Press, London.
(with Merryl Wyn Davies), ‘The Future of Eastern Europe: Lessons from the Third World’ Futures 24 (2) 150-157 (March)
‘Cultural Diversity: Learning to Live as One’, Leaders 15 (1) 70.
‘The Paradise I Seek’, Arts and the Islamic World, No 21 65-67 (Spring)
‘Paper, Printing and Compact Discs: The Making and Unmaking of Islamic Culture’ Media, Culture, Society 15 43-59.
‘When Dracula Meets the ‘Other’: Europe, Columbus and the Columbian Legacy’ Alternatives 17 493-517.
‘Lies, Damn Lies and Columbus: The Dynamics of Constructed Ignorance’, Third Text 21 47-56 (Winter).
‘Islam in the Modern World: A Christian Perspective’, Journal of Islamic Studies 3 (2) 255-257 July.
‘Conventional Wisdoms’, Nature 360 713-714 (24/31 November).
‘What Utopia?’, Futures 24 (1) 97-99 (Jan-Feb).
‘On serpents, inevitability and the South Asian imagination’ Futures 24 (9) 942-949 (November).
‘Terminator 2: Modernity, Postmodernity and Judgement Day’. Futures 25 (5) 493-506 (June).
‘Wet Dreams and Tall Stories at the Barth party’, The Independent 11th January.
‘Eternal Bliss and Immortal Youth’, The Independent 15th February.
‘Literature That’s Good for Kicking Around’, The Independent 18th February.
‘Collusion on the Line’, The Independent 21st March.
‘Journeys Without Maps in the Country of Love’, The Independent 4th May.
‘Culture’s Last Stand Around the Public Baths’, The Independent 28th May.
‘Puppets in the Shade’, The Independent 30th May.
‘If They’re Dancing, Then They Must be Happy’, The Independent 25th August.
‘Random Bigot in Search of Earthly Paradise’, The Independent 25th August.
‘Into the Modern World With the Butterflies’, The Independent 24th September.
‘A House of Many Mansions’, The Independent 7th November.


(Editor) How We Know: Ilm and the Revival of Knowledge, Grey Seal, London.
(with M A Anees and S Z Abedin), Christian-Muslim Relations: Past, Present and Future, Grey Seal, London.
Editor, ‘Special Issue: Islam and the Future’, Futures 23 (3) April.
‘Editor’s Introduction: Islam and the Future’, Futures, 23 (3) 223-230 (April).
‘Total Recall: Aliens, Others and Amnesia in Postmodernism’, Futures, 23 (2) 189-203 (March).
‘The Ethical Connection: Christian-Muslim Relations in the Postmodern Age’, Islam and Christian Muslim Relations 2 (1) 56-76 June.
‘Arabic Science and Philosophy’, Nature 353 459 (3 October).
‘Darwin’, Journal of Islamic Science 7 (2) 115-122.
‘The Alger Manifesto About the Future of Islam: A Response’, WFSF Newsletter 17 (2-3) 40-42 (August).
‘Beyond Conventional Categories’, Muslim News 20th December.
‘Hordes Out of Crowds, Virgins Out of Spouses’, The Independent Saturday 26th January.
‘Saving the World by Clubbing Zeal’, The Independent Saturday 2nd March.
‘Best-selling Buzz Words of the Flat Earth Society’ The Independent Saturday 8th June.
‘Semi-naked Actresses with Oriental Props’, The Independent 7 August.
‘Haunted by Ignorance’, The Independent 13 August.
‘In Three Ways Cursed to Remain in a Ghetto’ The Independent 23 August.
‘Where Beagles Dare’ The Independent 26th October.
‘Greatness in Butchery and Disgusting Tea’, The Independent 5th November.


(with Merryl Wyn Davies), Distorted Imagination: Lessons from the Rushdie Affair Grey Seal, London; Barita, Kuala Lumpur 1991.
‘Surviving the Terminator: The Postmodern Mental Condition’, Futures 22 (2) 203-210 (March).
‘Deep Ecology to the Rescue’, Futures 22 (9) 976-977 (November).
‘Secularism’s Grand Project’, Impact 20 (4) 12-14 (23 February-8 Marc).
‘Islam and Intellect’, The Listener 123 12-15 (25 January).
‘Philosophy and Science in the Islamic World’ by C A Qadir, Middle East Journal (1) 159 (Winter).
‘A Postmodern War of the Wor(l)ds: Putting Rushdie and His Defenders Through Their Paces’, Muslim World Book Review 10 (3) 3-17.
‘The Rushdie Malaise: The Orthodoxy of Doubt in the ‘Little Room’ of Postmodernist Fiction’, Muslim World Book Review 11 (1) 3-19.


Explorations in Islamic Science, Mansell, London; Centre for the Studies on Science, Aligarh, 1996.
Editor, An Early Crescent: The Future of Knowledge and Environment in Islam, Mansell, London.
Unfinished Journeys: Adventures in Familiar Places, Barita Books, Kuala Lumpur.
Editor (with Merryl Wyn Davies), Faces of Islam: Conversations on Contemporary Issues, Barita Books, Kaula Lumpur.
‘Freedom to Develop’ Futures 27 (2) 666-668 (December).


Information and the Muslim World, Mansell, London, 1988. Indonesian translation, Penerbit Mizan, Bandung; Malaysian edition, Pelanduk Publications, Kuala Lumpur; Bhasa Malaysian translation, Divan Bahsa dan Purtika, Kuala Lumpur, 1994.
Editor, Shaping Information Systems of the Islamic World, Mansell, London; Malaysian edition, Pelanduk Publications, Kuala Lumpur.
Editor, The Revenge of Athena; Science, Exploitation and the Third World, Mansell, London; Third World Network, Penang; The Other India Press, Goa, 1997.
The Manifesto, International Islamic conference, ‘Dawa and Development in the Muslim World: The Future Perspective’, Muslim World League, Makkah al-Mukarramah.
‘Reformist Ideas and Muslim Intellectuals: The Demands of the Real World’, in Abdullah Omar Naseef (Editor), Today’s Problems, Tomorrow’s Solutions: Future Thoughts on the Structure of Muslim Society, Mansell, London.
‘Islamic Technology: An Illustrated History’ by Ahmad Y Hassan and Donald Hill, Middle East Journal 42 (2) 325-326.
‘Ideas, Ideologies and Intellectuals: What’s Left, Right and Islamic in Pakistan?’, Muslim World Book Review 8 (3) 3-10.
‘The Political Theory of Islam: A Select Bibliography’, Muslim World Book Review 9 (1) 67-78.
‘Where’s Where? Mapping Out the Future of Islamic Science’, Journal of Islamic Science Part One: 4 (2) 35-64; Part Two: 5 (1) 69-110 (1989).
‘Against the Common Man: Authoritarianism and the Greek Intellectual Heritage’, Muslim World Book Review 9 (2) 3-17.


‘Reformulating the Shariah’, Afkar: Inquiry 4 (1) 40-45.
‘Intellectual Paths’, Afkar: Inquiry 4 (1) 51-42.
‘Enchanting Journey’, Afkar: Inquiry 4 (8) 25-33.
‘Civilization of the Book’, Afkar: Inquiry 4 (5) 33-39.
‘Saving the World, Japanese Style’, Afkar: Inquiry 4 (7) 8-13.
‘Old Cities, New Cities’, Afkar: Inquiry 4 (3) 66-67.
‘Evil Empire’, Afkar: Inquiry 4 (6) 66-67.
‘What Human Rights?’, Afkar: Inquiry 4 (7) 67.
‘Fact and Fiction’, Afkar: Inquiry 4 (8) 65-66.
‘The Holy Qur’an and Sciences of Nature’, Muslim World Book Review 7 (4) 21-23.
‘Contemporary Librarianship and Information Science in the Muslim World: A Select Bibliography 1970-1987’, Muslim World Book Review 7 (3) 58-65.


‘Redirecting Science Towards Islam: An Examination of Islamic and Western Approaches to Knowledge and Values’, Hamdard Islamicus 8 (1) 23-34.
‘Civilizational Dialogue, Captured Minds and the Technology of the Intellect’, Muslim World Book Review 7 (1) 3-10.
‘On Being a Writer: Painful Seats’, Afkar: Inquiry 3 (1) 35.
‘Turkey: Refloating The Intellectual Enterprise of Islam’, Afkar: Inquiry 3 (2) 32-37.
‘Inside a Miniature’, Afkar: Inquiry 3 (2) 59-62.
‘What Makes a University Islamic?’, Afkar: Inquiry 3 (4) 39-44.
‘Pedantic Vacuum’, Afkar: Inquiry 3 (7) 68.
‘Let the Children Be’, Afkar: Inquiry 3 (8) 39-44.
‘An Inquiry into Worthwhile Software’, Afkar: Inquiry 3 (9) 26-33.
‘Separating the Wood From the Trees’, Afkar: Inquiry 3 (9) 68.
‘Medicine and Metaphysics: The Search for Healthy Lifestyles’, Afkar: Inquiry 3 (10) 42-47.
‘South African Lives’, Afkar: Inquiry 3 (11) 72-73.
‘Tail Leading the Dog’, Afkar: Inquiry 3 (12) 68-69.
‘Is There a Third World?’, Geographical Magazine 58 (l) 3.
‘Islamic Thought’, Revision 9 (1) 41-43 1986; Special Issue: ‘Critical Questions About New Paradigm Thinking’, numerous contributions 14-89.


Islamic Futures: The Shape of Ideas to Come, Mansell, London; Indonesian translation, Penerbit Pustaka, Bandung, 1987; Malaysian transaltion, Divan Bahsa dan Purtika, Kuala Lumpur, 1988; Turkish translation, Insan Yaninlari, Istanbul, 1988; Malaysian edition (English), Pelanduk Publications, Kuala Lumpur, 1988.
‘Science Policy: India’ in Jon Turney (Editor), Sci-Tech Report: Current Issues in Science and Technology, Pluto Press, London.
‘Towards an Islamic Theory of Environment’, Arts and the Islamic World 3 (1) 12-23.
‘Making History’, Afkar: Inquiry 2 (1) 7.
‘Pakistan: A State of Borrowed Ideas’, Afkar: Inquiry 2 (3) 39-45.
‘Islamic Economics: Breaking Free From the Dominent Paradigm’, Afkar: Inquiry 2 (4) 40-47.
‘Technology: From Sweet Virtuosity to Domestic Self-Reliance’, Afkar: Inquiry 2 (5) 39-45.
‘Between Two Masters: The Qur’an or Science?’, Afkar: Inquiry 2 (8) 37-41 99.
‘Lies, Damn Lies; and A Way of Getting Out’, Afkar: Inquiry 2 (8) 66-67.
‘Utopia and Love’, Afkar: Inquiry 2 (9) 53-54.
‘Future Worlds, Present Realities’ Afkar: Inquiry 2 (9) 66-67.
‘The Other Jihad: Muslim Intellectuals and Their Responsibilities’, Afkar: Inquiry 2 (10) 40-47.


‘Arguments for Islamic Science, Centre for Studies on Science, Aligarh 1985; Urdu translation, Centre for Studies on Science, Aligarh 1985; also in Raid Ahmad and S Naseem Ahmad (Editors), Quest for New Science, Centre for Studies on Science, Aligarh 1984; Malaysian translation, Hujjah Sains Islam, translated by Abdul Latif Samian, Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, Kuala Lumpur, 1992.
‘Islamic Science or Science in Islamic Polity?’, Pakistan Studies 2 (3) 3-16; Journal of Islamic Science 1 (1) 31-44 (1985).
‘Is There an Islamic Resurgence?’ Afkar: Inquiry 1 (1) 35-39.
‘Enter Frankenstein: Brilliant Scientist and Demigod’, Afkar: Inquiry 1 (2) 19-21.
‘The Need for Islamic Science’, Afkar: Inquiry 1 (2) 47-48.
‘Timbuktu and the History of Ideas’, Afkar: Inquiry 1 (2) 68-69.
‘Muslim Marxists: Victims of Methodology’, Afkar: Inquiry 1 (3) 44-48.
‘Prepare for a Brave New World’, Afkar: Inquiry 1 (4) 20-21.
‘Hajj: The Greatest Gathering of Mankind’, Afkar: Inquiry 1 (4) 25-32.
‘The Elegance of Mud’, Afkar: Inquiry 1 (4) 70-71.
‘United States: The Changing Political Geography’, Afkar: Inquiry 1 (5) 8-10.
‘Al-Nadim: Books Smile as Pen Shed Tears’, Afkar: Inquiry 1 (5) 62-64.
‘The Crown of Islamic Civilization’, Afkar: Inquiry 1 (5) 68-69.
‘Laying the Foundation of Intellectual Revival’, Afkar: Inquiry 1 (5) 75-76.
‘Reconstructing the Muslim Civilization’, Afkar: Inquiry 1 (6) 39-44.
‘Islamization of Knowledge, Or Westernisation of Islam?’, Afkar: Inquiry 1 (7) 39-45.
‘Alternatives to Hightech’ Afkar: Inquiry 2 (5) 66-67.
‘Development: Who’s Afraid of Population?’, Geographical Magazine 56 506.
‘Appropriate Technology’, Geographical Magazine (vol) 495.
‘Physics and Faith’, Nature 312 216-217.
‘The Future of Hajj: Some Basic Considerations’, Islamic Culture 58 (4) 307-326.
‘Islamic Cities and Conservation’, Muslim World Book Review 4 (4) 34-36.
‘Intellectual Space and Western Domination: Abstracts, Bibliographies and Current Awareness’, Muslim World Book Review 4 (2) 3-8.
’Science and Technology in the Muslim World: A Select Bibliography’, Muslim World Book Review 4 (3) 58-65.
‘Intellectual Space and Western Domination: Abstracts, Bibliographies and Current Awareness’, Muslim World Book Review 4 (2) 3-8.
‘The Other Side of History: The Future in Contemporary Muslim Literature’, Muslim World Book Review 5 (1) 26-31.


‘The Future of Islamic Studies’, Islamic Culture 57 (3) 193-205; al-Muslim al-Ma’asir 39 25-39.
(with R T Bottles et al), ‘Changes in the Communication of Chemical Information 1: Some Effects of Growth’, Journal of Information Science 6 103-108.
’When Islam Prevailed in Europe’, Geographical Magazine 55 (2) 104.
’Infertile Crescent’, People 10 (1) 46.


Editor, The Touch of Midas: Science, Values and the Environment in Islam and the West, Manchester University Press, Manchester; Pelanduk Publications, Kuala Lumpur, 1988; The Other India Press, Goa, 1997.
Science and Technology in the Middle East: A Guide to Issues, Organisations and Institutions, Longman, Harlow.
‘The Hajj: A Select Bibliography’, Muslim World Book Review 3 (1) 57-67.
‘Technology for the South’, Geographical Magazine 56 (10) 591-592.
‘Development: Interdependence and Terrorism’, Geographical Magazine 54 (1) 608.
‘Development: Who Benefits?’, Geographical Magazine 54 (5) 246-247.
‘Development: Is it so Desirable?’, Geographical Magazine 54 (7) 368-367.
‘Digging Deep in Development Studies’, Geographical Magazine 54 (8) 430-433.
‘Science for the People of Islam’, New Scientist 93 (28 January) 244-245.
‘Sheesha Cancer’, New Scientist (18 February) 459-560.
‘Why Islam Needs Islamic Science’, New Scientist (1 April) 25-28 (translated into Arabic and Turkish)
‘The Astronomy of Ramadan’, New Scientist (24 June) 854-856.
‘Third World Smiles’, New Scientist (24 June) 870-871.
‘The Arab Brain Drain’, New Scientist 92 794-795.
‘Images of Development’, New Scientist 92 191.
‘Politics of Solar Age’, New Scientist 92 684.
‘Readings for Futures’, New Scientist 92 448 795.
‘Sinking Ark’, New Scientist 92 921.
‘My Three Day Journey to Makkah on Foot’, The Times 30 June.
’Art and Literature’, Muslim World Book Review 3 (2) 53-56.
‘Science and Technology’, Muslim World Book Review 2 (3) 49-53.


Hadith, Umran Publications, London; second edition, East-West University/Umran Publications, 1986
‘What Does the Third World Really Want? Expectations and Reality in the North-South Dialogue at UNCSTD’, in World Interdependence and Economic Cooperation among Developing Countries, Centre for Applied Studies on International Negotiations, Geneva, 85-93.
‘Between Gin and Twin: Meeting the Information Needs of the Third World’, Aslib Proceedings 33 (2) 53-61 February.
‘Islamic Science’, British Journal for the History of Science 14 (48) 285-286.
‘Integrated knowledge Transfer’, Technology and Culture 22 (3) 683-686.
‘Why the Third World Needs Nuclear Power?’ New Scientist 89 (12 February) 402-404.
‘Ibn Sina, Who? Was He a Muslim?’, Impact (10 September) 11-12.
‘Germany – Third World Benefactor?’, New Scientist 89 (26 February) 538-539.
‘Let Them Build Roads’, New Scientist 89 293.
‘The State of the Planet’, New Scientist 89 757.
‘Remaking Cities’, New Scientist 89 488.
‘Islamic Environmental Systems Engineering’, New Scientist 90 510.
‘The Hajj: Gateway for upholders of the fifth pillar of Islam’, The Times (10 April).
‘The Day the Saudis Discovered Technology’ (cover story), New Scientist 90 (21 May) 481-484.
‘Intellectual Respectability’, New Scientist 90 (25 June) 862.
‘Darwinism: Then, Now or Never?’, Impact (10-23 July) 2-3.
‘Masterplan for a Tropical Paradise’, New Scientist 91 (23 July 1981) 230-235.
‘Last Chance for World Unity’, New Scientist 91 (6 August) 334-341.
‘North, South, Rich Man, Poor Man’, New Scientist 91 359.
‘Social and Natural Sciences: The Islamic Perspective’, New Scientist 91 742-743, 21. ‘The Lean Years’, New Scientist 91 608.
‘Science and Ethical Responsibility’, New Scientist 92 300.
‘How Good is the Arab Aid for the Third World?’, New Scientist 92 (22 October) 233-235.
‘Brandt Summit: High Hopes, Deep Despair’, New Scientist 92 (29 October) 299-301.
‘Does Technology Change the Nature of Man?’, Impact (9-22 October) 11-12.
‘North and South: The Stakes Rise’, World Press Review 28 (10) 34-36.
‘Hadith and Sira Literature in Western Languages’, Muslim World Book Review 1 (4) 6-8.
‘Dispossessed: The Ordeal of the Palestinians’, Muslim World Book Review 1 (3) 38-39.


‘The Fight to Save Malaysia’ (cover story) New Scientist 87 (4 September) 700-703.
‘Can Science Come Back to Islam?’ (cover story) New Scientist 88 (23 October) 212-216 (translations in Arabic, Turkish, Chinese and Japanese)
‘Islamic Awakening’, Resurgence No 23, 26-27.
’A New Way for the Fertile Crescent’, 8 Days (15 March) 20-22.
‘Micros and Society: The Troubled Interface’ (cover story), 8 Days (26i April) 10-13.
‘Islam Calls for Welfare, not Wealth’, 8 Days (14 June) 40-41.
’The Real Face of Islam’, Vole 3 (4) 31-33 (January).
‘An Update on UNCSTD: You Can Take the Horse to Water…’, Impact (28 March – 10 April) 14.
‘US Foreign Aid: Changes in Style, But Not in Nature’, Impact (25 April 8 May) 7-8.
‘Ayatollah’s Dilemma’, New Scientist 87 (2 July) 51-52.
‘Meaningful Gestures’ New Scientist 87 (4 September) 724-725.
‘Manpower Policies for the Use of Science and Technology in Development’, New Scientist 87 875.
‘Global Signposts for the 21st Century’, New Scientist 87 732.
‘Conserving the Future’, New Scientist 87 540.
‘And Yet it Moves’, New Scientist 88 274.
‘Energy in the Developing World’, New Scientist 88 111.
‘Global Signposts for the 21st Century’, New Scientist 88 723.
‘The State of Arab Science’, Nature 283 30-31 (1980)
‘Israel and Egypt: Can Their Scientists Co-operate?’, New Scientist 88 (13 November) 448-450
‘Saudi Arabia: Seats of Vast Research Programmes’, The Times (9 December).
‘Nostalgia for Empire’, Washington Post (Book World) 14 September, p11.


The Future of Muslim Civilization, Croom Helm, London; second edition, Mansell, London, 1987. Indonesian translation, Penerbit Mizan, Bandung, 1986; Trukish translation, Insan Yayinlari, Istanbul, 1986; Malaysian edition, Pelanduk Publications, Kuala Lumpur, 1988.
Islam: Outline of a Classification Scheme, Clive Bingley, London; K G Saur, Munich and New York.
Editor, Hajj Studies, Croom Helm, London.
‘The Middle East’ in D S Greenburg,(Editor) Science and Government Report Almanac 1978-1979, Washington, D.C.
‘Where will we be in the Year 2000?’ (in Arabic) al-Muslim ul-Massir 5 (19) 29-49.
‘The Science of Islam’, World Press Review 27 (2) 42-43.
‘A Retrospect on UNCSTD: Heads I Win, Tails You Loose’, Impact (28 December 1979-10 January 1980) 12-14.
‘Cultural Dimensions of Strategy’, Islamic Defence Review 3 46-48.
‘Science Policy in the Developing World’, Nature 281 85 (1979).
‘A Revival for Islam, A Boost for Science’ (cover story), Nature 282 354-357.
‘Scientific Thinking Behind Khomeini’, Nature 282 439-441.
‘Science in Turkey: Choosing the Wrong Priorities’, Nature 282 668-670.
‘AH 1400 – Science: Key to the Future’ (cover story) 8 Days (24 November) 14-15
‘End of Book Loaded Quadrupeds?’, Times Educational Supplement (3 November).
‘Science: A Formidable Task of Rediscovery and Rejection’, The Guardian (13 December).


Muhammad: Aspects of a Biography, Islamic Foundation, Leicester.
‘The Information Unit of the Hajj Research Centre’, Aslib Proceedings 30 (5) 158-164.
‘Separate Development for Science’, Nature 273 176.
‘In calculating an Appropriate Sense of Confidence’, Nature 280 530-531.


Science, Technology and Development in the Muslim World, Croom Helm, London; Humanities Press, New Jersey; Arabic translation, Al Bait Foundation, Amman, 1982; Malaysian translation, Yayasan Dakwah Islamiah Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, 1981; Urdu translation, All India Urdu Board, New Delhi, 1982.
‘Science Policy and Developing Countries’ in I Speigel-Rosing and D de Solla Prince (Editors), Science, Technology and Society: A Cross-Disciplinary Perspective, Sage Publications, London and Beverley Hills; Science Policy and Developing Countries, Royal Book Company, Karachi, 1978.


Editor (with A A Ashraf), ‘A Time to Speak: Anecdotes from Sadi Shirazi’, Islamic Foundation, Leicester.
‘The Quest for a New Science’, The Muslim Institute Papers-1, The Open Press, Slough.